Disaster Management Class 01
- In the year 2013, The syllabus was revised and in GS Paper 3 it was added.
- 2011 Question: Composition and functions of the National Executive Committee of the NDMA
- The body for DM is NDMA, A political decision-making body, and NEC i.e. National Executive Committee, NEC is the executive body
- Questions based on the body are asked very often.
2013 Question: How important are vulnerability and risk assessment for pre-disaster management? As an administrator, what are key areas that you would focus on in disaster management?
- So Disaster management involves both pre and post-management.
- The focus of this question is also on the key terms i.e. Vulnerable (Chance of getting affected), Risk (Percentage of chance of getting affected), and Disaster.
2014 Question: Drought has been recognized as a disaster in view of its spatial expense, temporal duration, slow onset, and lasting effect on various vulnerable sections. With a focus on the September 2010 guidelines from the National Disaster Management Authority, discuss the mechanism for preparedness to deal with the El Nino and La Nina fallouts in India.
- The key word here is Preparedness, Now preparedness is pre-disaster management.
2015 Question: The frequency of earthquakes appears to have increased in the Indian subcontinent. However, India’s preparedness for mitigating its impact has significant gaps. Discuss various aspects.
- Keywords: Earthquake, Preparedness, and Mitigation.
2016 Question: The frequency of urban floods due to high-intensity rainfall has increased over the years. Discussing the reasons for urban floods, highlight the mechanisms for preparedness to reduce the risk during such events.
- Keywords: Urban floods and High-intensity rainfall relation they are asking here. Again the preparedness and risk part is asked.
2016 Question: With reference to National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) guidelines, discuss the measures to be adopted to mitigate the impact of recent incidents of cloudbursts in many places of Uttarakhand
- Keywords: Recent issue clubbed with the static part. NDMA, Guidelines, Mitigate, and Cloudburst are the keywords here again.
2017 Question: In December 2004, a tsunami brought havoc on 14 countries including India. Discuss the factors responsible for the occurrence of the Tsunami and its effects on life and economy. In the light of guidelines of NDMA (2010) describe the mechanisms for preparedness to reduce the risk during such events.
- Focus: Major disasters happened in the past, Geography concept is linked here. So Geography reappears in the DM part.
2018 Question: Describe various measures taken in India for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) before and after signing ‘The Sendai Framework for DRR (2015-2030)’. How is this framework different from the ‘Hyogo Framework for Action, 2005’?
- Focus: Risk reduction, Sendai framework, Hyogo framework. So focus again here is the international best practices/measures.
2019 Question: Disaster preparedness is the first step in any disaster management process. Explain how hazard zonation mapping will help disaster mitigation in the case of landslides.
- Focus: Map-based question is also asked, so zonation mapping you should keep practicing.
2022 Question: Explain the mechanism and occurrence of cloudbursts in the context of the Indian subcontinent. Discuss two recent examples.
- Focus: Again geography reappears in the DM paper.
2023 Question: Dam failures are always catastrophic, especially on the downstream side, resulting in a colossal loss of life and property. Analyze the various causes of dam failures. Give two examples of large dam failures.
- Focus: Any large-scale catastrophic events.
- Theoretical terms: Hazard, Vulnerability, Risk and Disaster.
- India: Physical geography, Methods of managing physical geography aspects.
- NDMA: Documents, guidelines, Mapping, Structure.
- International: Frameworks.
- A hazard is an outcome of a process not done how it is intended. Every object and event can turn into a hazard if not handled properly.
- In the DM topic, we only take into account some natural and some manmade events and discuss their potential to cause harm.
- Geophysical: Earthquake, Mass movement of the earth's material, Volcano, Tsunami.
- Hydrological: Flood, Landslides, Wave action.
- Meteorological: Heatwave, snow ice, winter storm.
- Climatological: Drought, Forest fire
- Biological: Viral, bacterial.Animal stampedes.
- The difference between meteorology and climatology is based on spatial and temporal distribution mainly.
- For example, Cloud burst is meteorological and Draught, Climate change is climatological.
The topic for the next class:Continuation of Hazard, Disaster.
Differentiate between meteorological and climatological hazard (10 Marks/150 Words)
"Every Hazard is not disastrous but sometimes anthropogenic activities supplements transformation of Hazards into Disaster". Elucidate.(150 Words/10 marks)
(10 marks)