Modern Indian History Class 11

  • 1st Carnatic war:
  • It was part of and the result of the Austrian war of succession.
  • War was won by Dupleix, however, in North America British were victorious, and for France, its American possession was more important.
  • Therefore under the treaty of Aix-la-Chaple 1748, France regained its possession in North America while the British returned Madras.

2nd Carnatic War (1749-54) 

  • Dupleix got an opportunity in the form of succession disputes in Hyderabad and Carnatic.
  • In Hyderabad Nasir Jung Vs Muzaffar Jung and Carnatic Muhammad Ali Vs Chanda Shaheb.
  • Dupleix supported Chanda Shaheb and Muzaffar Jung as he wanted economic and political benefits after putting his choice of candidate in power.
  • Therefore anxious British EIC supported Muhammad Ali and Nasir Jung.
  • Dupleix and Bassy won the 1st phase by 1751.
  • While Robert Clive of British EIC won the second phase by 1754.
  • After 1st phase, Muzaffar Jung was declared Nizam of Hyderabad and Chanda Shaheb of Arcot/Carnatic.
  • Muzaffar Jung was killed on his way from Carnatic to Hyderabad by Nawab of Kurnool as he had supported Muzaffar Jung but now feared a breach of the promise of territory made by Muzaffar Jung.
  • Now Bussy continued to march to Hyderabad and inflicted colossal terror.
  • He put Salabat Jung in power in Hyderabad and placed a french military for the protection of Nizam, this military was to be paid for by Hyderabad.
  • Therefore French EIC got Northern Circars from Hyderabad.
  • Other french gains after 1st phase:
  • Bussy was stationed as a french agent in the Hyderabad court, establishing french political influence in Hyderabad, personal Jagirs for Bassy, and 200,000 pounds for French EIC.
  • In Carnatic huge peronsal Jagirs for Dupleix.
  • Dupleix was declared as Nawab of all lands between River Krishna and Cape Comorin with Chanda Shaheb as Nawab of Arcot.
  • After 2nd phase victory by British Dupleix was recalled by France in 1754 due to high war expenditure.
  • Also, France wanted to Treaty wanted to honour the treaty of Aix-la-Chaple 1748 to secure its assets in America.
  • Chanda Shaheb surrendered but was still beheaded despite the promise of life by Robert Clive.
  • France was allowed to retain territory around Pondicherry, its factors in Carnatic, Northern Circars, and French agent at Hyderabad court.
  • Muhammad Ali became the nawab of Carnatic.
  • Therefore French influence in Hyderabad and British influence in Carnatic was the net result of the 2nd Carnatic war.

3rd Carnatic War, 1756-63 

  • Result and part of a 7-year global war(1756-63) fought between Britain, France, and their respective allies.
  • It was fought in Europe, Africa, the Americas, and India.
  • Count-De-Lally arrived from France to lead the french military along with Bussy who was in charge of Northern Circars.
  • While Robert Clive played an essential role from the British side.
  • The royal military of Britain and France arrived in India.
  • Why did France lose?
  • Tactical mistake- Bussy left Northern Circars unguarded to help Lally in Carnatic leading to the loss of Northern Circars to the British.
  • Poor leadership of Lally- he was hated among french officials and sepoys due to his rude conduct, which hurt the army's morale.
  • The superior British navy,
  • The superior financial strength of Britain and British EIC while France faced financial difficulty
  • For example, french Soldiers were unpaid for months which hurt morale.
  • Britain had witnessed growth earlier than France during the Industrial Revolution in Britain, with more significant trade profit as trading with more regions and longer time, whereas Feudalism ended in France very late.
  • The result of the War was:
  • The question of dominance over international trade in India was decided in the British favour.
  • Most decided was the battle of Wandiwash and the French lost all over including Pondicherry.
  • French lost all gains made since 1749 under Dupleix.
  • Therefore French were restricted to their bases.
  • They were barred from fortifying their bases and from keeping a strong military.
  • In 1769 French EIC was ended by France.
  • French continued in Chandanagar and Ponidicherry.
  • The high number of British royal military troops arrived in India in favour of EIC, giving EIC the military advantage over Indian states.
  • For example, they felt confident enough to start the Battle of Plassey, in 1757.
  • Long-term effects of Carnatic wars:
  • Post-1757 EIC began maintaining a large army with the help of the loot of Bengal.
  • Now EIC began increasing its political influence and started empire-building in 1757.
  • In 1766 Hyderabad gave Northern Circars to EIC in return for Military protection against Mysore and Marathas.
  • In 1798 Hyderabad became the first state to sign a Subsidiary alliance that brought military and foreign policy under EIC.
  • The huge territory of Mysore was annexed by 1799 via the 3rd and 4th Anglo-Mysore war and Subsidiary alliance signed by Mysore in 1799.
  • After the death of an ally, Mohammad Ali Carnatic was annexed in 1801.
  • In 1805 Subsidiary alliance was signed with Travancore.
  • Peshwa signed a Subsidiary alliance in 1803 to regain Perswaship with British help.
  • In the 2nd Anglo-Martha war Marthas lost significant territory and Scindia of Gwalior signed a Subsidiary alliance.
  • Therefore EIC began political influence in south India with the Carnatic war and dominated south India politically by the early 19th century.

Bengal and EIC/ Battle of Plassey, 1757 

  • The origin of the conflict was Farruksiyar's Royal Farman of 1717.
  • It gave EIC the right to duty-free trade in Bengal, Gujarat, and Deccan and the right to use the Royal mint.
  • It gave renting of 38 villages around Calcutta.
  • Murshid Quli Khan allowed duty-free trade to EIC but did not allow misuse of Dastaks for private trade by EIC officials.
  • He also did not allow the use of the Royal mint and allowed renting of villages but not their purchase by EIC
  • therefore Royal Farman became the origin of the conflict however misuse of Dastaks began and continued.
  • Dastaks was a document issued by EIC officials that certified a set of goods are EIC goods and therefore entitled to duty-free trade.
  • Therefore Dastaks operationalized the duty-free trade privilege given by the royal Farman and misuse of Dastaks implied duty evasion by EIC officials as they wrongly claimed their private trade as EIC trade.

The topic of the next class: Short-term reasons for the battle of Plassey.

1. The 1st Carnatic War was a result of:

   a) Austrian War of Succession

   b) French-British rivalry in India

   c) Succession disputes in Hyderabad and Carnatic

   d) The desire to establish French political influence in Hyderabad

   Answer: a, b

2. Who emerged victorious in the 1st Carnatic War?

   a) Dupleix

   b) British EIC

   c) France in North America

   d) British in Madras

   Answer: a, d

3. The 2nd Carnatic War was fought between:

   a) Dupleix and Bussy

   b) Robert Clive and Muhammad Ali

   c) France and Britain

   d) Chanda Shaheb and Nasir Jung

   Answer: a, c, d

4. Dupleix supported which candidates in the succession disputes of Hyderabad and Carnatic during the 2nd Carnatic War?

   a) Chanda Shaheb

   b) Muzaffar Jung

   c) Muhammad Ali

   d) Nasir Jung

   Answer: a, b

5. Who won the 2nd phase of the 2nd Carnatic War?

   a) Dupleix

   b) Bussy

   c) Robert Clive

   d) British EIC

   Answer: c, d

6. What were the French gains after the 1st phase of the 2nd Carnatic War?

   a) French political influence in Hyderabad

   b) French military protection for Nizam

   c) Northern Circars from Hyderabad

   d) Personal jagirs for Dupleix

   Answer: a, c, d

7. Why was Dupleix recalled by France in 1754?

   a) High war expenditure

   b) Honour the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle

   c) Loss of French assets in America

   d) Poor leadership

   Answer: a, b

8. Who became the Nawab of Carnatic after the 2nd Carnatic War?

   a) Dupleix

   b) Chanda Shaheb

   c) Robert Clive

   d) Muhammad Ali

   Answer: b, d

9. The 3rd Carnatic War was part of which global war?

   a) Austrian War of Succession

   b) Seven Years' War

   c) French Revolution

   d) American War of Independence

   Answer: b

10. Why did France lose the 3rd Carnatic War?

    a) Tactical mistake by Bussy

    b) Poor leadership of Lally

    c) Superior British navy

    d) Financial difficulties faced by France

    Answer: a, b, c, d

11. The British victory in the Carnatic Wars resulted in:

    a) British dominance over international trade in India

    b) French restrictions on fortifying bases

    c) British political influence in south India

    d) Annexation of territories by the British

    Answer: a, b, c, d

12. The Battle of Plassey was fought in which year?

    a) 1749

    b) 1754

    c) 1757

    d) 1769

    Answer: c

13. The Battle of Plassey was a conflict between:

    a) British EIC and Mughals

    b) British EIC and


    c) British EIC and French EIC

    d) British EIC and Nawab of Bengal

    Answer: d

14. The conflict leading to the Battle of Plassey originated from:

    a) Royal Farman of 1717

    b) Misuse of Dastaks by EIC officials

    c) Murshid Quli Khan's policies in Bengal

    d) French-British rivalry in India

    Answer: a, b

15. Which privileges were granted to the EIC by the Royal Farman of 1717?

    a) Duty-free trade in Bengal, Gujarat, and Deccan

    b) Use of the Royal mint

    c) Renting of villages around Calcutta

    d) Permission for private trade by EIC officials

    Answer: a, c

16. The misuse of Dastaks by EIC officials resulted in:

    a) Duty evasion by EIC officials

    b) Royal disapproval of EIC's trade practices

    c) Increased tensions with Murshid Quli Khan

    d) The origin of the conflict leading to the Battle of Plassey

    Answer: a, d

17. Who played an essential role from the British side in the 3rd Carnatic War?

    a) Dupleix

    b) Bussy

    c) Count-De-Lally

    d) Robert Clive

    Answer: d

18. The French lost all their gains made since 1749 under Dupleix after:

    a) The 1st Carnatic War

    b) The 2nd Carnatic War

    c) The Battle of Plassey

    d) The 3rd Carnatic War

    Answer: d

19. Which territories were retained by France after the 3rd Carnatic War?

    a) Pondicherry

    b) French factors in Carnatic

    c) Northern Circars

    d) French agent at Hyderabad court

    Answer: a, b, c, d

20. The Carnatic Wars resulted in the British dominance over which region of India?

    a) Bengal

    b) Carnatic

    c) Hyderabad

    d) Mysore

    Answer: b

21. The Battle of Wandiwash was a decisive victory for the:

    a) French

    b) British

    c) Marathas

    d) Mughals

    Answer: b

22. The British East India Company started empire-building after:

    a) The 1st Carnatic War

    b) The Battle of Plassey

    c) The 2nd Carnatic War

    d) The 3rd Carnatic War

    Answer: b

23. Which state signed the first Subsidiary alliance with the EIC?

    a) Bengal

    b) Hyderabad

    c) Mysore

    d) Marathas

    Answer: b

24. The 3rd and 4th Anglo-Mysore Wars resulted in the annexation of significant territories by the:

    a) British EIC

    b) French EIC

    c) Nawab of Carnatic

    d) Marathas

    Answer: a

25. Which state signed a Subsidiary alliance to regain the Peshwaship with British help?

    a) Bengal

    b) Hyderabad

    c) Mysore

    d) Marathas

    Answer: d

26. The British political influence in south India was established primarily through the Carnatic Wars and which other conflict?


 Battle of Plassey

    b) Anglo-Maratha Wars

    c) Anglo-Mysore Wars

    d) Seven Years' War

    Answer: b

27. The EIC began maintaining a large army after which event?

    a) The 1st Carnatic War

    b) The Battle of Plassey

    c) The 2nd Carnatic War

    d) The 3rd Carnatic War

    Answer: b

28. The loot of Bengal contributed to the EIC's ability to:

    a) Establish political influence in south India

    b) Annexe Mysore and Carnatic

    c) Maintain a large army

    d) Defeat the French in the Carnatic Wars

    Answer: c

29. Which state gave Northern Circars to the EIC in return for military protection?

    a) Bengal

    b) Hyderabad

    c) Mysore

    d) Marathas

    Answer: b

30. The Battle of Plassey took place in which present-day state of India?

    a) West Bengal

    b) Tamil Nadu

    c) Andhra Pradesh

    d) Bihar

    Answer: a

31. The British victory in the Battle of Plassey led to the annexation of which region?

    a) Bengal

    b) Carnatic

    c) Hyderabad

    d) Mysore

    Answer: a

32. Which British official played a crucial role in the Battle of Plassey?

    a) Dupleix

    b) Robert Clive

    c) Bussy

    d) Count-De-Lally

    Answer: b

33. What was the outcome of the Battle of Plassey?

    a) British dominance in Bengal

    b) French control over Calcutta

    c) Maratha victory

    d) Mughal resurgence

    Answer: a

34. Which factors contributed to France's loss in the Carnatic Wars?

    a) Tactical mistake by Bussy

    b) Poor leadership of Lally

    c) Superior British navy

    d) Financial difficulties faced by France

    Answer: a, b, c, d

35. The Battle of Plassey resulted in the:

    a) British dominance in Bengal

    b) Annexation of Mysore

    c) French victory in India

    d) Maratha decline

    Answer: a

36. The Carnatic Wars had long-term effects on the British East India Company, leading to:

    a) Increased political influence

    b) Annexation of Indian states

    c) Subsidiary alliances

    d) Empire-building

    Answer: a, b, c, d

37. The French were restricted to their bases after the Carnatic Wars and were prohibited from:

    a) Fortifying their bases

    b) Maintaining a strong military

    c) Engaging in trade with India

    d) Establishing political influence in south India

    Answer: a, b

38. Which state was the first to sign a Subsidiary alliance with the EIC?

    a) Bengal

    b) Hyderabad

    c) Mysore

    d) Marathas

    Answer: b

39. The Carnatic Wars resulted in the British dominance over which region of India?

    a) Bengal

    b) Carnatic

    c) Hyderabad

    d) Mysore

    Answer: b

40. The Battle of Plassey marked the beginning of British:

    a) Political influence in south India

    b) Empire-building in India

    c) Annexation of Mysore

    d) Defeat of the Marathas

    Answer: b

Sure! Here are two long-answer type questions for your UPSC GS paper exam preparation:

Question 1:

Discuss the causes and outcomes of the 2nd Carnatic War (1749-54) in the context of the French and British rivalry in India. How did the war impact the political landscape of the Carnatic region?

Answer 1:

The 2nd Carnatic War, fought between 1749 and 1754, was a significant conflict in the French and British rivalry in India. It had several causes and outcomes that shaped the political landscape of the Carnatic region. 

One of the main causes of the war was the succession disputes in Hyderabad and Carnatic. The French governor, Dupleix, supported Chanda Shaheb in Carnatic and Muzaffar Jung in Hyderabad, aiming to gain economic and political benefits by placing their favored candidates in power. On the other hand, the British East India Company supported Muhammad Ali in Carnatic and Nasir Jung in Hyderabad. This led to a direct confrontation between the French and the British in the region.

During the war, the first phase saw victories for the French, with Dupleix and Bussy winning key battles. As a result, Chanda Shaheb was declared the Nawab of Arcot/Carnatic, and Muzaffar Jung became the Nizam of Hyderabad. The French gained significant advantages, including political influence in Hyderabad and personal jagirs for their officials.

However, the second phase of the war witnessed a British victory under the leadership of Robert Clive. The British defeated the French and their allies, resulting in the surrender of Chanda Shaheb and the establishment of Muhammad Ali as the Nawab of Carnatic. Despite the French retaining some territories, the overall outcome of the war was favorable to the British.

The war had a profound impact on the political landscape of the Carnatic region. It solidified British influence in Carnatic and weakened French control. The defeat of the French marked the decline of their ambitions in the region. The British gained significant advantages, including political dominance and the establishment of Muhammad Ali as a puppet ruler under their influence. This laid the foundation for the British East India Company's future expansion and control over the region.

Question 2:

Examine the causes for the Battle of Plassey in 1757 between the British East India Company (EIC) and the Nawab of Bengal. Discuss the consequences of the British victory in reshaping the political landscape of Bengal and the subsequent expansion of the EIC's influence in India.

Answer 2:

The Battle of Plassey in 1757 was a crucial event in the British East India Company's (EIC) expansion in India. It was driven by several causes and had significant consequences for the political landscape of Bengal and the subsequent expansion of the EIC's influence in India.

One of the primary causes of the battle was the violation of trade privileges granted to the EIC by Farruksiyar's Royal Farman of 1717. The EIC officials misused their dastaks (documents certifying goods for duty-free trade) for personal trade and evaded duties. This led to tensions between the EIC and the Nawab of Bengal, who sought to curb the EIC's power and economic exploitation.

Another cause was the Nawab's attempt to assert his authority and control over the EIC by demanding the repayment of large debts. The EIC, led by Robert Clive, saw an opportunity to secure its position and influence in Bengal and decided to confront the Nawab militarily.

The Battle of Plassey resulted in a decisive victory for the EIC. The Nawab's forces, commanded by Siraj-ud-Daulah, were defeated due to a combination of military

 tactics, political maneuvering, and betrayal within Siraj-ud-Daulah's ranks. The victory allowed the EIC to establish its dominance in Bengal and reshape the political landscape of the region.

Following the battle, the EIC installed Mir Jafar as the puppet Nawab of Bengal, who was more favorable to their interests. The EIC gained significant economic advantages, including control over Bengal's lucrative trade and access to resources. They also obtained the Diwani rights, allowing them to collect revenue and administer the region's financial affairs.

The consequences of the British victory at Plassey were far-reaching. It marked the beginning of the EIC's political and territorial expansion in India. The EIC gradually extended its control over other parts of Bengal and expanded its influence in other regions through alliances, wars, and diplomatic maneuvers.

The Battle of Plassey and the subsequent events paved the way for the establishment of British colonial rule in India. The EIC's success at Plassey and its growing power laid the foundation for the British Raj, leading to the gradual annexation of Indian territories and the transformation of the EIC into a dominant political and economic force in the subcontinent.

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