Modern Indian History Class 07

Jat Kingdom of Bharatpur 

  • Jats were Anti-Mughal since the time of Jhangir and they set up the jat kingdom of Bharatpur under Churaman Jat(1695-1721).
  • This was done with help of revolts by peasants against the oppression due to the over-extraction of Land revenue by the Mughals, especially in the context of the Jagirdari crisis of the 18th century 
  • Maharaja Surajmal consolidated power and forced the Mughals to recognize him.
  • He supported Marathas temporarily in the 3rd battle of Panipat in 1761.
  • He tried to implement military reforms by recruiting Europeans into the army, a Mughal-like revenue system, and removing family members from the courts.
  • However, his death lead to the decline of the Jat kingdom which at 1 point extended from Delhi in the north to Agra in the west, Chambal in the south, and Ganga in the east.
  • However, it was no Eutopia for peasants as land revenue demand was higher than during the time of the Mughals.

Afghans kingdom 

  • Afghan kingdom in the north (Rohilkhand and Farrukhabad).
  • Afghans were wandering warlords in north India.
  • They migrated from Afghanistan to India to India due to political instability but were unorganized politically until the arrival of Shershah Suri in 1540.
  • But again got disorganized after the 2nd battle of Panipat in 1556 which ended the Suri dynasty's rule.
  • The opportunity came with the weakening of Mughal post-Aurangzeb 
  • Farrukhabad was set up as a kingdom in the east of Delhi by Bangash Pathans in 1713 making use of political instability in the Mughal polity.
  • They named this kingdom after Farruksiyar as a gesture of accepting the symbolic authority of the Mughals.
  • The next opportunity came during the invasion of Nadir Shah in 1738-40 which weakened the Mughal empire(also defeated by Marathas in 1738).
  • Therefore the kingdom of Rohilkhand was set up by Ali Mohammad Khan in 1737-38 in the Himalayan foothills.
  • In 1740 Ali Muhammad Khan was officially recognized as governor(therefore not legally independent).
  • In 1774 Suja-Ud-Dula (Nawab of Awadh) annexed Rohilkhand with the help of EIC.
  •  The rest of Rohilkhand became a princely state.
  • Farrukhabad was a weak kingdom and neighbours attacked it frequently.
  • Both supported Abdali in the 3rd battle of Panipat 1761 and Rohilla controlled from 1761-1771 when they were defeated by Mahadji Scindia
  • After Abdali returned to Afghanistan, the Afghan kingdom's power decreased.

Already autonomous state 

  • Rajputs:
  • These were warrior groups who participated in the military labour market of north India.
  • Around the 16th-17h century, Rajputs emerged as a consolidated group of 20 major clans, therefore there existed a horizontal structure of polity.
  • Local Rajput chief of each clan ruled their respective territory.
  • During Akbar, the powerful Rajput chiefs were co-opted:
  • Akbar recognized the authority of those Rajput chiefs who were extra-powerful, therefore giving them legitimacy over and above small Rajput chiefs.
  • With the military help of the Mughals, these Rajput chiefs consolidated power by defeating smaller Rajput chiefs.
  • They maintained the military for the Mughal emperor as they were recognized as Mansabdars, also their lands were recognized as Watan Jagirs, they now played important role in Delhi politics.
  • Therefore unable to defeat the Rajputs, the Mughals coopted them and increased the military strength of the Mughal empire.
  • Also now the horizontal structure of polity was replaced by a more vertical structure in the Rajput polity.
  • Tension in relationships during Aurangzeb:
  • Not because of religion-based rivalry rather than expansion by Mewar under Raj Singh against other Rajput chiefs.
  • Aurangzeb didn't want 1 supreme power in Rajputana and wanted to maintain the balance of power among Rajput chiefs.
  • In 1680-81 Mewar and Marwar revolted against Aurangzeb but failed.
  • Reasons for revolt:
  • Due to the death of an existing ruler, a child ruler came to power in Marwar that lay along the important trade route between Delhi, Agra, and Ahmedabad.
  • Since Marwad was strategically important, Aurangzeb didn't want a child ruler and interfered in succession.
  • This provided an opportunity for Mewar to ally with Marwar against Aurengzeb.
  • The revolt failed as other Rajput chiefs didn't support it as they feared the loss of power to Mewar.
  • In the 18th century with the weakening of the Mughals, Rajput chiefs acted more independently, especially under Swai Jai Singh of Amber who ruled Jaipur and was a powerful entity in Delhi politics.
  • 1751 onwards Rajputs were regularly attacked by Marathas who extracted annual tributes and interfered in succession but could not conclusively defeat Rajputs.


  • In the 16th century, Mysore was part of the Vijayanagar empire(1336-1646) and gradually became autonomous under the Wodeyar dynasty.
  • In 1673, Mysore became a military powerful and centralized Chikadevraja Wodeyar.
  • However, by 1761, Wodeyars were reduced to puppets by corrupt PM Nanjaraj.
  • Hyder Ali:
  • Hyder Ali(1761-82) was a man of humble origin who began as a junior officer in the army and later became a senior military general.
  • In 1761, he overthrow PM Najaraj to establish his rule.
  • Hyder Ali worked with the french to improve his military by importing technology and taking the help of french trainers.
  • The army was designed on European models.
  • The army was to be a summation of Risalas(regiments).
  • Each Risala had a commander personally appointed by the king.
  • Each Risala had a clear chain of Command and hierarchy leading up to the king.
  • Each Risala was a self-sufficient unit as it had its weaponry, transport, and own supplies.
  • Therefore a very efficient military organization capable of swift action was built.
  • Hyder Ali consolidated power by subjugating local chiefs, Deshmukh,  poligars (big landlords with their private army who acted independently since the time Vijayanagara empire ), etc.
  • Poligars and Deshmukhs till now were effective rulers of the countryside as they controlled land, land revenue, and the wealth of the temples.

The topic for the next class: Tipu sultan and the land revenue model of Hyder Ali & Tipu.

1. Which kingdom was set up by Jats under Churaman Jat?

   a) Jat Kingdom of Bharatpur

   b) Afghan Kingdom

   c) Already Autonomous State

   d) Mysore

Answer: a) Jat Kingdom of Bharatpur

2. What was the cause of the Jat revolts against the Mughals?

   a) Over-extraction of Land revenue

   b) Jagirdari crisis

   c) Peasant oppression

   d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

3. Who consolidated power in the Jat kingdom and forced the Mughals to recognize him?

   a) Churaman Jat

   b) Maharaja Surajmal

   c) Shershah Suri

   d) Bangash Pathans

Answer: b) Maharaja Surajmal

4. Who did Maharaja Surajmal temporarily support in the 3rd Battle of Panipat in 1761?

   a) Marathas

   b) Mughals

   c) Afghans

   d) British

Answer: a) Marathas

5. What reforms did Maharaja Surajmal try to implement?

   a) Recruitment of Europeans into the army

   b) Mughal-like revenue system

   c) Removal of family members from the courts

   d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

6. Which region was not part of the Jat kingdom's territorial extent?

   a) Delhi

   b) Agra

   c) Chambal

   d) Ganga

Answer: c) Chambal

7. How did the Jat kingdom compare to the Mughals in terms of land revenue demand?

   a) Lower than the Mughals

   b) Same as the Mughals

   c) Higher than the Mughals

   d) Not mentioned in the notes

Answer: c) Higher than the Mughals

8. Which kingdom was set up by Afghans in Rohilkhand and Farrukhabad?

   a) Jat Kingdom of Bharatpur

   b) Afghan Kingdom

   c) Already Autonomous State

   d) Mysore

Answer: b) Afghan Kingdom

9. Who migrated from Afghanistan to India and played a significant role in the Afghan kingdom?

   a) Churaman Jat

   b) Maharaja Surajmal

   c) Shershah Suri

   d) Bangash Pathans

Answer: d) Bangash Pathans

10. Which kingdom was set up in the east of Delhi by Bangash Pathans?

    a) Bharatpur

    b) Farrukhabad

    c) Rohilkhand

    d) Mysore

Answer: b) Farrukhabad

11. Who named the kingdom of Farrukhabad after Farruksiyar?

    a) Churaman Jat

    b) Maharaja Surajmal

    c) Shershah Suri

    d) Bangash Pathans

Answer: d) Bangash Pathans

12. What event weakened the Mughal Empire and provided an opportunity for the Afghan kingdom?

    a) Invasion of Nadir Shah

    b) 3rd Battle of Panipat

    c) Maratha attacks

    d) Rise of the Rajputs

Answer: a) Invasion of Nadir Shah

13. Who established the kingdom of Rohilkhand in the Himalayan foothills?

    a) Churaman Jat

    b) Maharaja Surajmal

    c) Shershah Suri

    d) Ali Mohammad Khan

Answer: d) Ali Mohammad Khan

14. Who officially recognized Ali Mohammad Khan as the governor of Rohilkhand?

    a) Churaman Jat

    b) Maharaja Surajmal

    c) Shershah Suri

    d) Suja-Ud-Dula

Answer: d) Suja-Ud-Dula

15. Who annexed Rohilkhand with the help of the East India Company?

    a) Churaman Jat

    b) Maharaja Surajmal

    c) Suja-Ud-Dula

    d) Ali Mohammad Khan

Answer: c) Suja-Ud-Dula

16. Who attacked Farrukhabad frequently?

    a) Jats

    b) Mughals

    c) Afghans

    d) Neighboring kingdoms

Answer: d) Neighboring kingdoms

17. Which kingdoms supported Abdali in the 3rd Battle of Panipat?

    a) Jat Kingdom and Afghan Kingdom

    b) Afghan Kingdom and Already Autonomous State

    c) Jat Kingdom and Already Autonomous State

    d) Mysore and Already Autonomous State

Answer: a) Jat Kingdom and Afghan Kingdom

18. Who defeated the Rohilla kingdom in 1771?

    a) Mahadji Scindia

    b) Marathas

    c) East India Company

    d) Mughals

Answer: a) Mahadji Scindia

19. Which state became a princely state after the annexation of Rohilkhand?

    a) Bharatpur

    b) Farrukhabad

    c) Rohilkhand

    d) Mysore

Answer: c) Rohilkhand

20. Which group emerged as a consolidated group of 20 major clans in the 16th-17th century?

    a) Jats

    b) Afghans

    c) Rajputs

    d) Mysoreans

Answer: c) Rajputs

21. How did the Rajputs maintain their authority in Delhi politics?

    a) By co-opting smaller Rajput chiefs

    b) By defeating the Mughals in battles

    c) By aligning with the British East India Company

    d) By establishing an independent kingdom

Answer: a) By co-opting smaller Rajput chiefs

22. What was the cause of tension between Aurangzeb and the Rajputs?

    a) Religion-based rivalry

    b) Expansion of Mewar under Raj Singh

    c) Maratha interference in Rajput affairs

    d) Dispute over land revenue collection

Answer: b) Expansion of Mewar under Raj Singh

23. In which century did the Mewar and Marwar revolt against


    a) 16th century

    b) 17th century

    c) 18th century

    d) 19th century

Answer: b) 17th century

24. What was the outcome of the Mewar and Marwar revolt against Aurangzeb?

    a) Successful establishment of an independent Rajput kingdom

    b) Support from other Rajput chiefs

    c) Defeat and failure of the revolt

    d) Division of Rajputana into smaller kingdoms

Answer: c) Defeat and failure of the revolt

25. Who ruled Jaipur and played a powerful role in Delhi politics?

    a) Churaman Jat

    b) Maharaja Surajmal

    c) Swai Jai Singh of Amber

    d) Hyder Ali

Answer: c) Swai Jai Singh of Amber

26. Which empire regularly attacked the Rajputs from 1751 onwards?

    a) Jat Kingdom

    b) Mughal Empire

    c) Afghan Kingdom

    d) Maratha Empire

Answer: d) Maratha Empire

27. What did the Marathas extract from the Rajputs as annual tributes?

    a) Land revenue

    b) Military support

    c) Cultural artifacts

    d) Political alliances

Answer: a) Land revenue

28. Who reduced the Wodeyars of Mysore to puppets in 1761?

    a) Churaman Jat

    b) Maharaja Surajmal

    c) Nanjaraj

    d) Hyder Ali

Answer: c) Nanjaraj

29. Which ruler overthrew Nanjaraj to establish his rule in Mysore?

    a) Churaman Jat

    b) Maharaja Surajmal

    c) Nanjaraj

    d) Hyder Ali

Answer: d) Hyder Ali

30. Who did Hyder Ali work with to improve his military capabilities?

    a) French

    b) British

    c) Mughals

    d) Marathas

Answer: a) French

31. What was the organizational structure of Hyder Ali's army?

    a) Mansabdari system

    b) Zamindari system

    c) Risala system

    d) Jagirdari system

Answer: c) Risala system

32. How did Hyder Ali consolidate his power in Mysore?

    a) By forming alliances with neighboring kingdoms

    b) By suppressing local chiefs and landlords

    c) By establishing a democratic system of governance

    d) By relying on the support of the British East India Company

Answer: b) By suppressing local chiefs and landlords

33. Who were the poligars in Mysore?

    a) Local chiefs

    b) Religious leaders

    c) Foreign traders

    d) Peasants and farmers

Answer: a) Local chiefs

34. What role did the Wodeyars play in Mysore after being reduced to puppets?

    a) They acted as figureheads with no real power

    b) They actively supported Hyder Ali's rule

    c) They rebelled against Hyder Ali's authority

    d) They maintained control over the military

Answer: a) They acted as figureheads with no real power

35. Which dynasty ruled Mysore prior to the Wodeyars?

    a) Vijayanagar dynasty

    b) Maratha dynasty

    c) Mughal dynasty

    d) Chola dynasty

Answer: a) Vijayanagar dynasty

36. What was the status of Mysore within the Vijayanagar empire?

    a) It was a fully autonomous kingdom

    b) It was a vassal state under the empire

    c) It was a province governed by a governor

    d) It had no significant political status

Answer: b) It was a vassal state under the empire

37. Who established a centralized and powerful rule in Mysore in 1673?

    a) Churaman Jat

    b) Maharaja Surajmal

    c) Chikadevraja Wodeyar

    d) Nanjaraj

Answer: c) Chikadevraja Wodeyar

38. Which external power did Hyder Ali collaborate with to enhance his military strength?

    a) British East India Company

    b) French East India Company

    c) Dutch East India Company

    d) Portuguese East India Company

Answer: b) French East India Company

39. What aspect of European military models did Hyder Ali adopt?

    a) Command structure and hierarchy

    b) Infantry tactics and weaponry

    c) Naval strategies and shipbuilding

    d) Siege warfare techniques

Answer: a) Command structure and hierarchy

40. What was the primary source of power and wealth for the poligars and Deshmukhs in Mysore?

    a) Land revenue collection

    b) Trade and commerce

    c) Religious institutions

    d) Military conquests

Answer: a) Land revenue collection

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