Map Class 01

 Map Class 01


  • Wold - Political border including locations, International Groupings, and Physical features like mountains, rivers, and water bodies.
  • India - Political and Physical features including wildlife sanctuaries, reservoirs, State borders, etc.
  • Current locations.
  • UPSC PYQs discussed and pattern of questions explained.


  • Mariana trench-
  • The deepest point on the surface of the earth is located in the Mariana Trench
  • Challenger Deep--> Near the Philippines- Deepest point- 7 km from mean sea level.
  • the youngest ocean in terms of age.
  • Formed by the process of seafloor spreading.
  • second largest
  • Mid oceanic ridge- Not considered as mountains.
  • Not connected with the Arctic Ocean.
  • Connected with all other oceans
  • Smallest of all.
  • It is around the North Pole, mostly frozen.
  • Arctic amplification.
  • West wind drift and westerlies- Water does not mix up with surrounding oceans.



  • ASIA: 
  • 30 percent of the landmass and 60 percent population of the world.
  • The land boundary of Asia:

  • Ural mountains form the land boundary of Asia. Separate Europe from Russia.

  • Caucasus Mountains between Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia.

  • Sinai Peninsula- between Africa and Asia.

  • New Guinea islands- Between Asia and Oceania.

  • Important water bodies:
  • Black Sea and Caspian Sea - Boundary between Asia and Europe.

  • The Black Sea is connected with the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Med sea surrounds all 3 continents.

  • Red Sea between Asia and Africa.

  • Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, Persian Gulf, Gulf of Oman; Bay of Bengal; South and the East China Sea, Yellow Sea, Sea of Japan and East Sea, Bering Sea 

  • Bering Strait.

  • The Dead Sea is located in the Middle East.

  • Regions - West Asia/Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, South-East Asia, South Asia and East Asia.

WEST ASIA: (2:34 PM):

  • Countries - Turkey and Iran; Yemen and Oman; Saudi Arabia etc.

  • Fertile Crescent, Mesopotamian civilization.

  • The earliest evidence of settled agriculture.
  • Knowledge of using wheel and utility of writing.
  • The Levant is the region of the Mediterranean coast along west Asia.

  • Countries of West Asia:

  • Cyprus - It is a member of the EU; and geographically located on the continental shelf of Asia; in the UN it sits  in the Asia-pacific group
  • Ankara is the capital of Turkey; Turkey is both in Europe and Asia 
  • The Aegean Sea and Sea of Marmara (connected with the Black Sea and further connected with the Med Sea) - separate European Turkey and Asian Turkey; Istanbul (earlier Constantinople - silk trade used to pass through) is in European Turkey; the largest city of entire Europe 

  • Iran - capital is Tehran; waterbodies - Caspian, Sea, the Gulf of Oman, and the Persian Gulf.
  • Iraq- Baghdad Capital, Mesopotamian civilization.
  • No landlocked country in West Asia.
  • Kuwait- Capital city- Kuwait City.
  • Saudi Arabia- Riyadh is the capital, most part is desert, and Rub-Al-Khali is the desert.
  • Bahrain- Manama is the capital, of the Persian Gulf.
  • Qatar (Doha) - It is a peninsula; with only a border with Saudi Arabia, the world's highest sex ratio in favour of males.
  • UAE (Capital - Abu Dhabi) is between Saudi Arabia and Oman (Muscat).
  • COP 28 was held in Dubai.
  • Oman- Capital city- Muscat.
  • Oman has a coast in the Persian Gulf.
  • Yemen- Capital is Sana.
  • Gulf of Aden(Named after Port of Aden- Port of call)- Yemen, Somalia, Djibouti.
  • Houthi rebels in Yemen and the civil war is going on.
  • Gulf of Suez and Gulf of Aqaba (Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Egypt, Two ports-- Aqaba - Jordon; Elat - Israel).
  • Jordan (Amman) - has a cost in the Gulf of Aqaba; the Jordon River marks the border between Jordan and Israel; It enters and drains into the Dead Sea (the lowest point on the continent of the earth).
  • Gaza and the West Bank are together called Palestine.

  • Israel - the land of Jews; Jerusalem is the capital.
  • Palestine - West Bank (west bank of Jordon river) and Gaza.
  • Golan Heights - occupied by Israel in 1967 during 6 days of the war; junction of Syria, Jordan, Israel, and Lebanon

  • Shia countries - Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, and Lebanon; ruler of Syria ie Assad but people are Sunni
  • Lebanon (Beirut is the capital)
  • Syria - Damascus is the capital of Syria 
  • Shia countries - Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, and Lebanon.
  • Sunni - Saudi Arabia
  • Kurdistan - Border areas of Turkey, Iraq, and Syria; tribal people who live here are Kurds.
  • GCC- Countries surrounding the Persian Gulf except Iran.
  • Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan.
  • Georgia borders with Russia.
  • The nogorno-Karabakh region is disputed between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
  • Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan, and also the world's lowest capital.


  • 5 Central Asian Countries - Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan

  • Afghanistan is not traditionally part of Central Asia 
  • India has a border with Afghanistan in the Wakhan Corridor 
  • All are landlocked countries except Turkmenistan and Kazakstan
  • Uzbekistan is doubly landlocked - surrounded by all landlocked country 
  • Capitals: 
  • Kazakstan - Noor Sultan
  • Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek (Bishkek Declaration for Snowleopard Conservation)
  • Uzbekistan - Tashkent 
  • Tajikistan - Dushanbe, Heart of Asia conference.
  • Turkmenistan - Ashgabat- Ashgabat agreement for international transit agreement.

SE ASIA: (3:53 PM):

  • It has 10 countries that are members of the ASEAN, East Timor is not a part of it.

  • 5 countries for the mainland - Myanmar, Thailand (maritime boundary with India in the Andaman Sea), Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia; also known as Indo-China

  • 5 Island countries - Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Philippines.

  • Myanmar- Under the control of the British, earlier Burma, Capital- Naypidaw, Rohingyas in Rakhine.
  • Coco Islands - Myanmar has a maritime boundary with India 
  • Thailand - Bangkok (Bangkok Declaration - ASEAN was established through this declaration), white elephants.
  • Laos - Vientiane is the capital
  • Cambodia - is famous for its Angkorvat Temple; Phon Penh is the capital
  • Vietnam - Hanoi is the capital
  • Brunie - Bandar Seri Begawan is the capital
  • Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur is the capital; Islamic majority country
  • Singapore - Island located in the Strait of Malacca.
  • Indonesia - Sumatra, Java, Bali, Borneo- the World's oldest rainforests; Jakarta is the capital and is in Java; now the capital is being shifted to Nusantra.
  • Philippines - Manila is the capital.

EAST ASIA: (4:13 PM):

  • Mongolia- Border with China, Russia, and not with Kazakhstan.
  • Capital- Ulan Bator.
  • China:
  • Beijing is the capital.
  • Taiwan or Republic of China.
  • Issue of One China policy, Hongkong.
  • Korea:
  • The border between South and North Korea is 38 degrees latitude.
  • Japan:
  • Example of island arc.
  • Tokyo is the capital.
  • Islands like Hoikkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu.
  • Sakhalin Islands.

  • The Aral Sea is located between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
  • Caspian Sea- Countries surrounding- TARIK- Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Russia, Iran and Kazakhstan

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 Map Class 03