Map Class 03

 Map Class 03



  • Arctic:
  • Arctic Council: Russia, Canada, USA, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Finland. 
  • Himadri is the station of India on Svalbard island. 
  • Antarctica:
  • The first country to reach Antarctica was Russia. 
  • Coldest, windiest and driest continent
  • It is also called as 'white continent' because less than 2% of it has land and the rest is covered with Ice. 
  • It has a 4 km thick ice sheet. 
  • This region is devoid is mainly devoid of life except for Emperor Penguin. 
  • The Antarctic Treaty System (1960) declared Antarctica as a scientific preserve and banned all military activities. 
  • Three stations in India: 
  • First station - Dakshin Gangotri 
  • Second station - Maithri 
  • Third - Bharti 
  • Vinson Massif is the highest point in Antarctica. 
  • Ice shelf:
  • Weddell sea ice shelf
  • Amundsen sea ice shelf 
  • Ross sea ice shelf 
  • Poles: 
  • The south magnetic pole is at Dumont d'Urville (France)
  • The south pole is at Amundsen Scott 
  • The north magnetic pole is at Elizabeth island 
  • Tropic of Cancer:  Mexico, Bahamas, Mauritania, Mali, Algeria, Niger, Libya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar (Burma), People's Republic of China, Taiwan, and Southern Ryukyu Islands of Japan.
  • Tropic of Capricorn:  Argentina, Australia, Botswana, Brazil, Chile, Eswatini, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, New Zealand, Paraguay, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
  • Equator: Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, São Tomé and Príncipe, Gabon, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, and Indonesia.



  • Pre-Cambrian Mountains:
  • These are the oldest mountain
  • Example - Laurentian Mountains.
  • Caledonian Mountains:
  • For example - the Appalachian Mountains, the Aravalis Mountains, and the Great Dividing Range (highest point - Mt Kosciusko).
  • Appalachian Mountain is rich in Iron and coal, It extends from the USA to Canada. 
  • Hercynian Mountains:
  • This mountain formed between 300 to 250 million years ago. 
  • This resulted in the formation of Block Mountain. 
  • Carboniferous period.
  • Block mountains: For example - Vindhya and Satpura, Black Forest, Vosges (Rhine flow between black forest and Vosges), Ural (the boundary between Asia and Europe), Altai and Tian Shan.
  • Alpine Mountains: It is a tertiary mountain. 
  • Tertiary mountain: 
  • Mountains of Asia:
  • For example-  the Himalayas, Pamir Knot, Armenian Knot, Karakoram range, Kunlun Shan, Hindukush, Suleiman, Kirtar range, Arakan Yoma, and Pegu Yoma, Elburz mountains, Zagros, Caucasus, Tauras, etc. 
  • Plateaus:
  • Anatolia Plateau
  • Plateau of Tibet:
  • It is the cold as the roof of the world.
  • The average plateau height  is about 4500m
  • It is the highest and largest plateau because of the partial subduction of the continental plate. 
  • Steppes plains: Saiga deer
  • Loess are found in this plateau 
  • Yellow River flows through this plateau. 
  • Manchurian Plain - Amu River flows through here. 
  • Europe: 
  • Alps: Highest peak- Mount Blanc. 
  • Matterhorn Peak- located between Italy and Switzerland)
  • Jura Mountain (not tertiary)
  • Africa:
  • Atlas Mountains
  • Mt. Kilimanjaro is the highest point in Africa. It is not part of any mountain range and it has snow throughout the year. 
  • Mt Kenya is located on the equator. 
  • Regions in Africa:
  • The Sahara desert in the north
  • Congo Basin near the equator
  • East African Valley in the east,
  • Sudan grassland 
  • The Sahel between Sudan and the Sahara
  • The southern part is rich in Minerals 
  • Plateaus in Africa: 
  • Katanga Plateau- Copper and Diamond.
  • Drakensberg in South Africa.
  • Ethiopian Highlands--coffee.
  • North America:
  • Rocky Mountains, Cascade Mountains, Coast Range, Sierra Nevada, Sierra Madre.
  • Alaska Range-- Highest peak is the Rocky Mountains.
  • Great plains
  • Intermontane plateau: Columbai and Colarado plateau 
  • Canadian Shield - Hudson Bay is part of this. 
  • South America:
  • Andes, Cordillera, Mt Acouncagua.
  • Andes- Venezuela, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile Bolivia, Argentina.
  • Plateau:
  • Brazilian highlands-- Coffee Production.
  • Bolivian Plateau--- Alti Plano.
  • Pantanal- World's largest tropical wetland.
  • Selvas- tropical rainforests of Amazon.
  • Llanos- venezuela, Mato Grasso- Brazil.
  • Gran Chaco, Pampas.
  • Pampas- ranching.
  • Alfa Alfa grass in Pampas.
  • Australia: 
  • Plateau - Kimberly 
  • Darling Range 
  • Darlings Downs (temperate grassland known for ship rearing) - Murray and Darling River. 
  • Uluru rocks (the world's largest monolith)

DESERT (4:00 PM)

  • Africa:
  • Sahara Desert- Erg, Hamada, Libyan desert, Nubian desert, Eastern desert, Sahel desert.
  • Namib Desert
  • Kalahari Desert
  • Bushmen tribe live in the Kalahari tribes.
  • Okwango Swamp is a part of the Kalahari desert.
  • Asia:
  • Rub-Al-Khali.
  • Dasht-e-Kavir (largest salt pans).
  • Dasht-e-Lut.
  • Thar desert.
  • Takla Makan-cold desert, formed because of continentality. 
  • Gobi desert- the cold desert.
  • Australia:
  • Great Victoria desert.
  • Gibson desert.
  • Great sandy desert.
  • The Tanami Desert.
  • Simpson Desert.
  • North America:
  • Mojave Desert
  • Sonoran Desert
  • South America:
  • Atacama desert- Copper mines and nitrates; Driest desert in the world. 
  • Arica is the driest place on earth. 
  • Patagonian desert

The topic for the next class: Rivers, lakes and economic aspects. 

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 Map Class 03