Geography Class 16

 Geography Class 16

Earthquakes (continued) 

  • Causes of earthquake:
  • Natural causes:
  • Plate movements
  • Volcanic eruption.
  • Landsides.
  • Land Subsidence.
  • Meteoritic impact.
  • Anthropogenic causes:
  • Mining and blasting.
  • Nuclear explosion.
  • Reservoir-induced seismicity(RIS).
  • The scientific study of earthquakes is called seismology.

Earthquake waves

  • Diagrammatic representations of Earthquake waves:
  • During an earthquake, the point where the energy is released below the surface is called the focus/hypocentre.
  • The point on the surface nearest to the focus is called the epicentre.
  • An earthquake generates two types of waves, body and surface waves.
  • Body waves:
  • These earthquake waves are generated at the focus and move through the earth's interior.
  • There are two types of body waves, P-wave and S-wave.
  • P-waves(Primary waves):
  • These are the first to be detected during an earthquake.
  • They are also called compressional waves and longitudinal waves.
  • They oscillate back and forth in the direction of propagation.
  • P-Waves depend on the density and rigidity of the material.
  • P- waves can travel through solid, liquid, and gas.
  • S-waves(secondary waves):
  • S waves oscillate perpendicularly to the direction of propagation.
  • They are also called transverse waves.
  • The S-wave movement depends on the material's density and rigidity.
  • Therefore S waves cannot pass through liquid and gas.
  • Surface waves:
  • These are the earthquake waves confined to the surface of the earth.
  • They are generated due to the interaction of body waves with the surface and generally at the epicentre.
  • Surface waves are much slower than body waves but cause more damage.
  • Examples are Love waves and Raleigh waves.

Shadow zones

  • Diagrammatic representation of shadow zones:
  • The seismic waves undergo reflection, bending, or changes in direction while passing from one medium to another.
  • This results in the creation of shadow zones.
  • The Shadow zone is the zone in the earth's interior from where earthquake waves are not reported.
  • P-wave shadow zone:
  • P-waves are not detected between 105-145 degrees from the focus resulting in the P-wave shadow zone.
  • It is due to a change in direction of P-waves as it enters the outer core.
  • S-wave shadow zone:
  • S-waves cannot pass through the liquid outer core.
  • Therefore beyond 105 degrees, we observe S-wave shadow zones.
  • By studying the different earthquake waves, the extent of their shadow zone, and other characteristics we can conclude about the earth's interior.

Type of earthquake 

  • Shallow focus earthquake occurs at the depth of  0-70 km.
  • Intermediate focus earthquake occurs at the depth of 70-350 km.
  • Deep-focus earthquake occurs at the depth of more than 350 km.

Distribution of earthquakes 

  • Circum-pacific belt:
  • Around the pacific ocean.
  • Along the west due to ocean-ocean convergence.
  • Along the east due to ocean-continent convergence.
  • Mid-oceanic ridges:
  • Around the regions of ocean-ocean divergence
  • Meditarian and trans-asiatic belt:
  • Continent-continent convergence.
  • East African rift valley:
  • Continent-continent divergence.
  • Diagramatic representation of the distribution of earthquakes:

Measurement of earthquakes 

  • The earthquake waves can be recorded by a seismograph.
  • The record produced by the seismograph is called a seismogram.
  • Magnitude and intensity of the earthquakes:
  • Magnitude:Intensity:

    It is the measure of the amount of energy released during an earthquake.

    Intensity is the assessment of visible damage caused by an earthquake.

    The magnitude remains constant for earthquakes.

    Intensity decreases away from the epicentre.

    It is an objective measure.

    It is a subjective measure.

    The magnitude is measured by the Richter scale.

    There is no upper limit for the Richter scale.

    Richter scale is a logarithm scale that is 1 unit change means a 10 times stronger earthquake.

    Intensity is measured by a Modified Mercalli scale.

    The range of the Mercalli scale is 1-12.

  • The highest recorded earthquake is a 9.5 Richter scale in Chile in 1960.
  • 2004 Indian ocean(Indonesia) earthquake was  9.1 magnitudes.
  • 2011 japan earthquake was 9.1 magnitudes.
  • Earthquake in India:
  • 2001 Bhuj earthquake was 7.7 magnitudes.
  • The 2005 earthquake in Kasmir was of 7.6 magnitudes.
  • 2011 Sikkim-Nepal earthquake was of 6.9 magnitudes.
  • The 1993 Latur earthquake was of 6.2 magnitudes.
  • 1991 Uttarkashi earthquake was of 6.1 magnitudes.


  • A tsunami is a Japanese word for harbour waves.
  • They are also called seismic sea waves.
  • They are four stages in the occurrence of a tsunami:
  • Generation:
  • Tsunamis are generated due to vertical displacement of the column of seawater which causes by: 
  • Earthquakes, normal and reverse fault earthquakes along the oceanic floor.
  • Underwater Volcanic eruptions.
  • Underwater landslide and subsidence.
  • Meteorites impact.
  • Underwater nuclear test.
  • Propagation in deep water:
  • Along deeper waters, the speed of waves is very high and the amplitude will is low.
  • Therefore tsunamis will not be visible in the open ocean nor will cause any damage.
  • Propagation in shallow water:
  • As depth decreases, the amplitude increases, and the speed of waves decreases.
  • This causes a pilling up of water near the coast, generating very high waves, this is called the shoaling effect.
  • Landfall:
  • Where the waves break and submerge the coastal regions.

The topic of the next class: Exogenetic movements.

  1. What are the natural causes of earthquakes?
    • Plate movements, volcanic eruption, landslides, land subsidence, meteoritic impact.
  2. What are the anthropogenic causes of earthquakes?
    • Mining and blasting, nuclear explosions, reservoir-induced seismicity (RIS).
  3. What is the scientific study of earthquakes called?
    • Seismology.
  4. What is the point where energy is released during an earthquake called?
    • Focus or hypocenter.
  5. What is the point on the surface nearest to the focus called?
    • Epicenter.
  6. What are the two main types of earthquake waves?
    • Body waves and surface waves.
  7. What are the two types of body waves?
    • P-waves (Primary waves) and S-waves (Secondary waves).
  8. What are P-waves also called?
    • Compressional waves or longitudinal waves.
  9. How do P-waves oscillate?
    • Back and forth in the direction of propagation.
  10. Through which mediums can P-waves travel?
    • Solid, liquid, and gas.
  11. How do S-waves oscillate?
    • Perpendicularly to the direction of propagation.
  12. What are S-waves also called?
    • Transverse waves.
  13. Through which mediums can S-waves not pass?
    • Liquid and gas.
  14. Where are surface waves confined?
    • To the surface of the earth.
  15. Why do surface waves cause more damage?
    • They are slower but carry more energy.
  16. Give examples of surface waves.
    • Love waves and Raleigh waves.
  17. What creates shadow zones in earthquakes?
    • Reflection, bending, or changes in direction of seismic waves passing through different mediums.
  18. What is a shadow zone?
    • A zone in the earth's interior from where earthquake waves are not reported.
  19. What causes the P-wave shadow zone?
    • P-waves are not detected between 105-145 degrees from the focus due to a change in direction as they enter the outer core.
  20. Why is there an S-wave shadow zone?
    • S-waves cannot pass through the liquid outer core, creating a shadow zone beyond 105 degrees.
  21. What are the three types of earthquakes based on focus depth?
    • Shallow focus, intermediate focus, and deep focus earthquakes.
  22. What is the depth range for shallow focus earthquakes?
    • 0-70 km.
  23. What is the depth range for intermediate focus earthquakes?
    • 70-350 km.
  24. What is the depth range for deep focus earthquakes?
    • More than 350 km.
  25. Where is the Circum-Pacific belt located?
    • Around the Pacific Ocean.
  26. What type of plate convergence occurs along the west of the Circum-Pacific belt?
    • Ocean-ocean convergence.
  27. What type of plate convergence occurs along the east of the Circum-Pacific belt?
    • Ocean-continent convergence.
  28. Where do earthquakes occur in the mid-oceanic ridges?
    • Around regions of ocean-ocean divergence.
  29. What causes earthquakes in the Mediterranean and Trans-Asiatic belt?
    • Continent-continent convergence.
  30. What causes earthquakes in the East African Rift Valley?
    • Continent-continent divergence.
  31. What instrument records earthquake waves?
    • Seismograph.
  32. What is the record produced by a seismograph called?
    • Seismogram.
  33. What measures the amount of energy released during an earthquake?
    • Magnitude.
  34. What assesses the visible damage caused by an earthquake?
    • Intensity.
  35. How is earthquake magnitude measured?
    • Richter scale.
  36. What scale measures earthquake intensity?
    • Modified Mercalli scale.
  37. What was the magnitude of the highest recorded earthquake in Chile in 1960?
    • 9.5 Richter scale.
  38. What was the magnitude of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake?
    • 9.1 Richter scale.
  39. What is a tsunami?
    • A seismic sea wave generated by underwater disturbances.
  40. What is the shoaling effect in tsunamis?
    • As depth decreases, amplitude increases and speed decreases, causing high waves near the coast.

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1. Explain the natural and anthropogenic causes of earthquakes and discuss how each cause contributes to seismic activity.


Earthquakes can be triggered by a variety of natural and human-induced (anthropogenic) factors.

Natural Causes:

  • Plate Movements: The Earth's lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates that float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere beneath them. The movement of these plates can cause earthquakes along plate boundaries. For instance, at convergent boundaries, one plate is forced over another, creating intense pressure that is released as an earthquake. At divergent boundaries, plates move apart, and at transform boundaries, plates slide past each other, both causing seismic activity.
  • Volcanic Eruption: Earthquakes can occur in volcanic regions due to the movement of magma. The pressure exerted by rising magma can fracture the surrounding rock, causing an earthquake.
  • Landslides: The sudden movement of large volumes of rock and soil on steep slopes can generate seismic waves, resulting in earthquakes.
  • Land Subsidence: This occurs when the ground sinks due to the removal of underground material, such as water, oil, or minerals, which can induce earthquakes.
  • Meteoritic Impact: The impact of a meteorite can create shock waves that propagate through the Earth, causing seismic activity.

Anthropogenic Causes:

  • Mining and Blasting: The removal of large amounts of rock and the use of explosives in mining operations can destabilize the ground, leading to minor earthquakes.
  • Nuclear Explosion: The detonation of nuclear devices underground produces significant seismic waves, which can be recorded as earthquakes.
  • Reservoir-Induced Seismicity (RIS): The filling of large reservoirs behind dams can induce seismic activity. The weight of the water can increase pressure on faults, and the water can lubricate fault lines, making them more likely to slip and cause an earthquake.

Each of these causes affects the Earth's crust differently, but they all result in the release of stored energy in the form of seismic waves, which is felt as an earthquake.

2. Describe the different types of earthquake waves and explain how they propagate through the Earth. Include a discussion on the concept of shadow zones.


Earthquake waves are classified into body waves and surface waves, each with distinct characteristics and propagation methods.

Body Waves:

  • P-Waves (Primary Waves): These are the fastest seismic waves and are the first to be detected during an earthquake. P-waves are compressional waves that move back and forth in the direction of propagation, similar to sound waves. They can travel through solids, liquids, and gases. Their speed depends on the density and rigidity of the material they pass through.
  • S-Waves (Secondary Waves): These waves are slower than P-waves and arrive after them. S-waves are transverse waves that move perpendicular to the direction of propagation. They can only travel through solids because liquids and gases do not support shear stress. Their speed is also dependent on the material's density and rigidity.

Surface Waves:

  • Surface waves travel along the Earth's surface and are generated by the interaction of body waves with the Earth's surface, typically near the epicenter. They are slower than body waves but cause more damage due to their larger amplitude and longer duration. Examples of surface waves include:
    • Love Waves: These waves cause horizontal shearing of the ground.
    • Rayleigh Waves: These waves create an elliptical motion similar to ocean waves.

Shadow Zones: The concept of shadow zones arises from the behavior of seismic waves as they pass through different layers of the Earth.

  • P-Wave Shadow Zone: P-waves are refracted (bent) as they pass through the boundary between the Earth's mantle and the outer core, causing a zone between 105° and 145° from the earthquake focus where P-waves are not detected.
  • S-Wave Shadow Zone: S-waves cannot travel through the liquid outer core, resulting in a shadow zone beyond 105° from the focus where S-waves are absent.

The study of these shadow zones helps seismologists understand the internal structure of the Earth, including the size and composition of the core.

3. Discuss the different types of earthquakes based on their focus depth and the global distribution of seismic activity.


Earthquakes are classified based on the depth of their focus (the point where the energy is released below the surface):

  • Shallow-Focus Earthquakes: These occur at depths of 0-70 km. They are the most common type and typically cause the most damage due to their proximity to the surface.
  • Intermediate-Focus Earthquakes: These occur at depths of 70-350 km. They are less common than shallow-focus earthquakes but can still be destructive.
  • Deep-Focus Earthquakes: These occur at depths greater than 350 km. Although they are the least common and generally cause less surface damage, they can provide valuable information about the Earth's interior.

Global Distribution of Earthquakes:

  • Circum-Pacific Belt (Ring of Fire): This region encircles the Pacific Ocean and is characterized by intense seismic activity. Earthquakes here are primarily due to ocean-ocean and ocean-continent convergence, where tectonic plates collide and subduct.
  • Mid-Oceanic Ridges: These underwater mountain ranges are sites of ocean-ocean divergence, where tectonic plates move apart, creating new oceanic crust and frequent shallow-focus earthquakes.
  • Mediterranean and Trans-Asiatic Belt: This region experiences earthquakes due to continent-continent convergence, where tectonic plates collide, forming mountain ranges like the Himalayas and the Alps.
  • East African Rift Valley: This area is an example of continent-continent divergence, where the African plate is splitting into smaller plates, leading to seismic activity and the formation of rift valleys.

By studying the distribution and types of earthquakes, scientists can better understand the dynamics of plate tectonics and the processes driving seismic activity.

4. Explain how earthquakes are measured and compare the Richter scale and the Modified Mercalli scale. Provide examples of significant historical earthquakes.


Earthquakes are measured using seismographs, which record the seismic waves produced by an earthquake. The data from these instruments are used to determine the earthquake's magnitude and intensity.

Richter Scale:

  • Magnitude: The Richter scale measures the magnitude, which is the amount of energy released during an earthquake. It is a logarithmic scale, meaning each whole number increase represents a tenfold increase in measured amplitude and roughly 31.6 times more energy release. The Richter scale has no upper limit.
  • Example: The highest recorded earthquake was the 1960 Valdivia earthquake in Chile, with a magnitude of 9.5 on the Richter scale.

Modified Mercalli Scale:

  • Intensity: The Modified Mercalli scale measures the intensity, which is the assessment of the earthquake's effects and damage observed at different locations. It ranges from I (not felt) to XII (total destruction). Unlike the Richter scale, the Mercalli scale is subjective and based on human observations and structural damage.
  • Example: The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, with a magnitude of 9.1, caused significant damage and was assigned a high intensity on the Mercalli scale.

Significant Historical Earthquakes:

  • 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake: Magnitude 9.1, causing a devastating tsunami and widespread destruction in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand.
  • 2011 Japan Earthquake: Magnitude 9.1, triggering a massive tsunami and the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
  • 2001 Bhuj Earthquake, India: Magnitude 7.7, resulting in significant loss of life and property in Gujarat.
  • 2005 Kashmir Earthquake: Magnitude 7.6, causing extensive damage and casualties in Pakistan and India.

By using both the Richter and Mercalli scales, seismologists can provide a comprehensive assessment of an earthquake's power and impact.

5. Define a tsunami and describe the four stages of its occurrence. Include the factors that contribute to tsunami generation and the effects of tsunamis on coastal regions.


A tsunami is a series of ocean waves with extremely long wavelengths and periods, typically caused by large-scale disturbances in the ocean such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, underwater landslides, or meteorite impacts. The word "tsunami" is of Japanese origin, meaning "harbor wave."

Four Stages of Tsunami Occurrence:

  1. Generation: Tsunamis are generated by the vertical displacement of the water column. The main causes include:
    • Earthquakes: Normal and reverse fault earthquakes along the ocean floor can displace large volumes of water.
    • Underwater Volcanic Eruptions: The sudden release of volcanic material can displace water.
    • Underwater Landslides and Subsidence: The collapse of underwater slopes can trigger tsunamis.
    • Meteorite Impact: Large meteorites impacting the ocean can displace water and generate tsunamis.
    • Underwater Nuclear Tests: Explosive tests can also displace water and create tsunamis.
  2. Propagation in Deep Water: In deep water, tsunami waves travel at high speeds, often exceeding 500 km/h, but with low amplitudes (wave heights). The long wavelengths mean that the waves are barely noticeable in the open ocean and do not pose a threat at this stage.
  3. Propagation in Shallow Water: As the tsunami waves approach shallower coastal waters, their speed decreases, and their amplitude increases dramatically. This process, known as the shoaling effect, causes the waves to grow in height, sometimes reaching tens of meters.
  4. Landfall: When the tsunami waves reach the coast, they break and inundate the land. The energy and height of the waves can cause massive destruction, flooding, and loss of life. The waves can travel several kilometers inland, depending on the topography of the coastal area.

Effects of Tsunamis:

  • Coastal Inundation: Tsunami waves can flood coastal areas, damaging buildings, infrastructure, and agriculture.
  • Erosion: The force of the waves can erode coastlines and alter landscapes.
  • Loss of Life: Tsunamis can cause significant casualties due to their sudden and powerful impact.
  • Environmental Damage: Marine and coastal ecosystems can be severely affected, with long-term consequences for biodiversity.


  • 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: Caused by a 9.1 magnitude earthquake, this tsunami resulted in over 230,000 deaths and widespread devastation across multiple countries.
  • 2011 Japan Tsunami: Triggered by a 9.1 magnitude earthquake, it led to the Fukushima nuclear disaster and caused extensive damage and loss of life.

Understanding the stages of tsunami occurrence and the factors contributing to their generation helps in developing early warning systems and preparedness measures to mitigate their impact.

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With reference to earthquakes, consider the following statements:

  1. The magnitude scale is known as the Mercalli scale.
  2. The magnitude is expressed in absolute numbers of 1-12.
  3. A seismograph is used to record earthquake waves.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a)1 only

(b)2 and 3 only

(c)3 only

(d)1, 2 and 3


The point within the earth where an earthquake originates is called?






Consider the following statements about Tsunamis:

  1. They are called harbour waves.
  2. In deep waters, the speed of waves is very low and the amplitude is very high.
  3. Tsunamis are caused by the vertical displacement of the water columns in the ocean.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a)1 only

(b)1 and 2 only

(c)2 and 3 only

(d)1 and 3 only


Which of the following are earthquake-prone regions?

  1. Alpine-Himalayan belt.
  2. East African rift valley system.
  3. The rim of the Pacific Ocean.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a)1 only

(b)1 and 3

(c)2 and 3.

(d)1, 2 and 3


Which of the following can result from earthquakes?

  1. Landslides
  2. Plate movements
  3. Volcanic eruption.
  4. Cyclones.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.

(a)1 and 2 only

(b)2  and 4only

(c)1 and 4 only

(d)1, 2 and 3 only


Tsunamis can be caused by which of the following?

  1. Earthquake
  2. Landslide
  3. Volcanic eruption
  4. Meteorites

Select the correct answer using the code given below.

(a)1 only

(b)1 and 3 only

(c)3 and 4 only

(d)1, 2, 3 and 4


Consider the following statement:

  1. The amount of energy released during an Earthquake is called Magnitude.
  2. The severity of the Ground motion produced is called Intensity.
  3. The magnitude of the Earthquake is measured by the Richter scale.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a)3 only.

(b)1 and 2 only.

(c)2 and 3 only.

(d)1,2 and 3.


Which of the statement given below is not correct?

(a)The extent of shadow zone of S-waves is larger than P-waves.

(b)Since P-waves cannot travel through liquid, they do not pass through the liquid outer core.

(c)The direction of vibrations of S-waves is perpendicular to the wave direction in the vertical plane.

(d)By observing the changes in speed and direction of P- and S-waves, different layers in the interior of the Earth can be identified.


What are Tsunamis? Explain the process of formation of Tsunamis.(10 Marks/150 Words).


Describe the different types of earthquake waves and their modes of propagation. (150 words/10 marks) 

1) c
2) b
3) d
4) d
5) d
6) d
7) d
8) b

What do you understand about Shadow zones of earthquake waves? Also, mention the distribution of Earthquakes around the world. (150 words/10 marks).

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 Map Class 03