The land revenue system of the Mughals

 The land revenue system of the Mughals

  • Zamindars - Zamindars collected Land revenue and had police duties and in return for their service, they got a commission.
  • Therefore Zamindar was not the owner of the land from which he collected Land revenue.
  • Zamindar had Vatan(hereditary) right of revenue collection.
  • He would collect Land revenue from others' land but would also pay land revenue from his lands( which were called Milkiyat).
  • Nankar lands - These were the land of Zamindars which were declared tax-free/revenue-free in return for providing service of revenue collection.
  • Primary Zamindars - They collected land revenue from peasants/ryots/ actual cultivators.
  • He also collected Abwab(additional levies) over and above the land revenue from peasants.
  • Ryots paid land revenue as per the recorded % in Pattas(documents), therefore Patta system prevented over-extraction.
  • Intermediary zamindars - They collected land revenue from the Primary Zamindars.
  • Then passed it on to Jagirdars or the state.
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