Mansabdari system

 Mansabdari system

  •    It was the military bureaucracy system of the Mughals established by the Akbar.
  • That is officials had dual functions of civil and military functions.
  • Mansab is a post/office and Mansabdar is the holder or occupant of Mansabs.
  • There were two types of Mansbdars on basis of the mode of salary.
  • Naqadi Mansabdar:
  • They were paid a salary in cash.
  • Jagirdar Mansabdar:
  • They were paid in the form of allocating a Jagir.
  • The land revenue from the Jagirs (land) went to the Jagirdar.
  • Jagir is a land whose land revenue goes to Jagirdar and Jagirdar is the holder of Jagir. 

  • hey were paid a salary in cash.
  • Jagirdar Mansabdar:
  • They were paid in the form of allocating a Jagir.
  • The land revenue from the Jagirs (land) went to the Jagirdar.
  • Jagir is a land whose land revenue goes to Jagirdar and Jagirdar is the holder of Jagir.
  • Jagir was of two types:
  • Tankha Jagirs:
  • These jagirs could be transferred from one to another Mansabdar(could be taken away from the Mansabdar by the king).
  • All of the revenue goes to Mansabdar.
  • Vatan Jagirs:
  • The word Vatan means hereditary.
  • It was given permanently to a person and becomes heredity Jagir.
  • It is non-transferable.
  • 10% of land revenue from Vatan Jagir went to the king as tribute/Peshkash.
  • As here king gave up the right to take away Jagir, therefore needs to be compensated and tribute acted as Vatan Jagirdar recognizing the sovereign authority of the king.
  • The criteria for becoming Mansabdar was lineage(family background).
  • Every Mansabdar had a dual rank.
  • Zat:
  • It was a personal Rank.
  • Sawar:
  • It is the number of Horsemen a Mansabdar is required to Maintain for the king.
  • For example- Zat=3000 and Sawar=1500 then net rank=4500.
  • The emoluments of Mansabadar were equal to his salary and allowance for the maintenance of the army as per his Sawar.
  • More important nobles were Jagirdar Mansabdar and less important ones were Naqadi  Mansabdars.
  • Vatan Jagirs were given to those who were very powerful Mansabdars.
  • Corrupt Mansabadar would not maintain an army as per Sawar, therefore would try to make personal, money to be ideally spent on the army or over-extracted land revenue from Jagir.
  • Mughal emperors are dependent on Mansabdars for the Maintainance of the army.
  • therefore in the Mansabdari system, a give-and-take relationship existed between the king and Mansabdar.
  • The king gave Mansab and Jagir and in return Mansabdar gave his loyalty and maintained the army of the king.
  • Therefore there existed personal loyalty and if the king does not give the desired Mansabs and Jagirs then it may lead to disloyalty towards the king.

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